Kale. No doubt you've heard of it. Maybe even tried it. I hope you loved it – but if it made you curl your nose up – I hope you'll give this recipe another try. I've been preparing kale since before it was cool (I'm talking like back in 1981, ya'll, fresh from the garden). I even know how to get kids to eat it. Seriously. My four love the stuff. Yeah, they were homeschoolers, go ahead and laugh – but if kids will eat it? so can you.
It's not just that I personally love kale, it's that it's that darned good for you – and I want you to eat the foods that can make you feel grrrreat. And kale is one of them.
Greens in what's called the Brassicacae family, including kale, collards, broccoli, Napa cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, and Brussel's sprouts, all share several things in common that make them especially good for your hormones, and that's where I'm really getting at here. Because if our hormones aren't happy, neither are we? You feel me on that, right?
Kale and her sisters that I mentioned above, all: provide
- Fiber that keeps your bowels moving regularly, helping to clear out estrogen excess
- Iimportant fiber that nourishes your gut microbiome. Health microbiome = healthier hormones, fertility, and reduced risk of endometriosis, PCOS, and more.
- The nutrients your body needs to prevent and reduce inflammation and support the important detoxification processes in your liver that keep hormones in balance.
You can – and I hope you will – enjoy kale and other greens in your daily diet, including while you're pregnant and breastfeeding.
Have a thyroid problem and heard that you can't enjoy these greens? Not true! Just prioritize eating them cooked, avoid juicing them on the regular, and keep recipes like this one with raw kale to just once every few weeks.
Enjoy this delicious, good for you kale salad. It takes just about 10 minutes to prepare.
And check out this slightly retro video of me making kale salad some years back. It was too fun to update.
xx, Aviva
Tuscan Kale Salad
Print RecipeIngredients
- 1 bunch of organic kale washed and chopped finely, sprinkled with a couple of pinches of sea salt, then “massaged” for 5 minutes
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 2 Tbs fresh lemon juice
- 1/3 cup toasted pine nuts
- 1-2 cloves crushed garlic
- A couple of “twists” of fresh black pepper
- 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
- 1 can garbanzo beans (unsalted), drained and rinsed
- Optional: 2 Tbs freshly grated parmesan cheese
- Toss all of the ingredients together and Enjoy!