Hi! I'm Dr. Aviva Romm, a midwife, herbalist, and Yale-trained MD with an internship in Internal Medicine from Yale, Family Medicine Residency with Obstetrics from Tufts, with a specialty in Integrative Women's Health and Pediatrics. I have a combined 35 years experience as a midwife-herbalist and Board Certified Family Doctor.
I bring this all to you in what I call the new medicine for women (and children) which bridges the best of conventional and traditional medicine, so you always get the best medical care, the best of botanicals, supplements, lifestyle, and mind-body care, and you feel seen and heard. You can learn more about me here.
It is a truly integrative model based on the best of modern and traditional care.
How It Works
- First, review the appointment options and fees below to make sure this is right for you.
- Next, submit your practice application HERE.
- Once received, I will review your application and my office will be in touch with a response within 10 business days.
- If I feel we'll be able to support you in addressing your concerns and achieving your health goals, you'll receive the next steps for joining the practice and scheduling your appointment.
Practice Appointments & Practice Fees
Once you join the practice, based on years of experience in how to offer the best care, we offer the following practice bundle for a comprehensive assessment and plan, and for priority booking:
• An 80-minute initial discovery appointment with (Dr. Aviva) to review your medical and health history, current concerns and needs, and past labs. At this appointment I'll make recommendations for an initial plan to get you started – from nutrition and diet, supplements, botanicals, mind-body care, and appropriate conventional medical guidance, prescriptions, further testing, and referrals as necessary.
• A 50-minute first follow-up with Dr. Aviva to review lab results from labs ordered at the first appointment + a complete protocol individualized to your needs, with follow-up recommendations.
• An initial 80-minute consultation with my practice nutritionist + a 50-minute follow-up consultation (or this may be divided into two 25-minute follow-ups).
This complete bundle (“The Pathway”) is available for $3650, which represents a discounted price from the cost of individual initial appointments.
• Follow-up appointments with Dr. Aviva are $450 for 25 minutes, and $850 for 50 minutes, and are scheduled as needed.
Practice fees do not include labs, supplements, or outside consultations. We do not mark-up the price of any lab tests we recommend, and top-quality supplements are available at nearly wholesale cost to all of my patients.
I require all patients to also have a local primary care provider, as we are not a substitute for primary care at this time, and do not offer emergency or after-hours services.
Here's the link to submit your application to join my practice.
I hope to see you in the practice if this feels like the right next step toward your, or your child's, health care.
To your health,