The Women's Integrative Medicine Institute Practitioner Directory
Welcome to a free listing of practitioners and educators who have completed Dr. Aviva's Women's Integrative and Functional Medicine Certification Program. Search the page, search by any number of fields, and click on any practitioner's picture to see their full listing.
As a courtesy, Dr. Aviva Romm publishes a list of practitioners who have graduated from the Women's Integrative and Functional Medicine Certification Program.
This practitioner list is not an endorsement or recommendation of anyone on this list, nor of their experience, credentials, licensing status, or quality of care. Selecting a practitioner from our list of practitioners is not a substitute for a thorough investigation of your chosen clinician's professional degree and training, clinical experience, scope of practice, insurance reimbursement options or any other factors that may factor into your decision in choosing a practitioner. Dr. Aviva and the Women's Integrative Medicine Institute are not responsible for verifying or investigating the education or credentials of the people in our published practitioner directory; and we are not able to advise you about any particular clinician's expertise or scope of practice.
By accessing this site, I hereby understand and agree that while the healthcare practitioners listed in this directory have completed coursework in the Women's Integrative and Functional Medicine Certification Program.and may be certified with the Women's Integrative Medicine Institute, neither the Institute nor Dr. Aviva Romm endorse or recommend specific practitioners. All medical advice, treatment and/or products and services given by those listed in this directory will be utilized at my own discretion after a thorough investigation and assessment as to whether that practitioner is suitable and competent to assist me with my health needs.
I do not and will not hold the Women's Integrative Medicine Institute or Dr. Aviva Romm responsible in any way for the background, education, licensure, scope of practice, claims history, or clinical expertise of any practitioner I may contact as a result of using this directory. Should I experience an unsatisfactory outcome of care with anyone named in this database, I will not hold the Women's Integrative Medicine Institute or Dr. Aviva Romm responsible for that outcome.