We all have rhythms and cycles, but most of us are not living by the ones that nature uses to guide our bodies. Circadian rhythms are one example, and feature a great deal in my book The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution, because cortisol, one of the Stress Response hormones, follows a Circadian rhythm,
Today I’m talking about a completely different kind of rhythm that my guest, Pilar Gerasimo, says you may have never heard of. Working with this biological rhythm can transform your experience of your work life, your day, your happiness, and give you more satisfaction, focus, and concentration. It can also help you to reset your Cortisol rhythm.
Pilar is a friend with whom I love to discuss science, health politics, and being an aligned woman. We talk a lot about how to not just strive, but thrive in ourselves. Pilar’s life mission is to help people make sense of the confusing overabundance of information that can often turn into a cacophony. Join me here to listen to us chat about a simple daily change you can make, that can lead to profound health improvements. Enjoy the conversation and add ultradian breaks into your daily life. Not sure what those are? Listen in and you'll find out!
Show Notes:
- What is the ultradian rhythm
- Why we tend to fight our natural cycles
- How to know when you need a break
- What you lose when you don’t take breaks
- How to build yourself back up
- How to fit breaks into your daily life
- Why you should try shifting your focus
- The importance of taking breaks even when working from home
- Why you have to listen to your body
- How choosing to be healthy is revolutionary
Links and Resources:
- Listen to Pilar's podcast The Living Experiment
- Read The Twenty Minute Break by Ernest Rossi
- Check out The Energy Project
- Read Tony Schwartz's book The Power of Full Engagement
- Connect with Pilar: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Website